Home > ConneCT Customer Portal
ConneCT Customer Portal is a quick and easy way for people in Connecticut to get information about your benefits and other DSS program(s).
Am I Eligible?
If you are not currently receiving benefits, click the Check Now button to use the pre-screening website. The pre-screening tool takes about 15 minutes to use and will let you know if you can get help with buying Food, Medical benefits, and/or Cash assistance.
Apply for Benefits
Click the Apply Now button to apply for DSS benefits such as Medical Benefits, Food Assistance, and/or Cash Assistance. You will be taken to the ConneCT Online Application where you will be asked to enter information about your household.
MyAccount allows you to view information about your benefits online. If you already have a user ID and password click the Access Now button to view your benefits.
If you do not already have a user ID and password, click Create an Account. This will take you through the steps for creating an account.
Mail Documents to DSS
Click here to create a printable cover sheet to mail verifications to DSS.
Get Applications and Forms
Use this link to access applications and forms necessary for applying and maintain your benefits. You will be able to print these documents to mail to a DSS office.
Frequently Asked Questions
View the answers to the most commonly asked questions about ConneCT.
Renewing Your HUSKY Coverage?
If you are renewing your existing HUSKY coverage, please follow the link to Access Health CT to complete your renewal.
To avoid errors when using ConneCT, please do not use the Forward, Back or Stop buttons on your browser. Instead, click on the ConneCT pictures and links to move from page to page.
The announcements at the top of the page allow you to keep up to date on news pertaining to your account and DSS offices.