Assets Summary


This page provides a brief summary of the answers you just gave about the people in your home who have liquid assets. Please take a minute to review your answers to  make sure everything is correct.


Making Changes


     •     If you see a mistake in a summary, click on Change (Notepad icon) to give us the correct information.

     •     If you see something that should be removed, click on Delete (“X” icon).

     •     If you want to add another person who has cash, choose his or her name then click the Add button.  If you need to change the amount of cash  that a person has, click the Change icon for that person instead.

     •     If you want to add another savings or checking account, choose the name of the person who owns it then click the Add button.

     •     If you want to add any other liquid asset, choose the name of the person who owns it then choose the type of liquid asset  click the Add    button.  If you have a   burial trust, you can tell us about it later.

     •     If you want to double check or change something that doesn't appear in this summary, you can click on Change to review your original answers and make sure what you've entered is correct.


When you're done reviewing the information, click the NEXT button at the bottom of the page to move on to the next section.


To close this window and return to ConneCT without saving, click the CANCEL & EXIT button.


To save your application and return to ConneCT, click the SAVE & EXIT button.